Sunday 27 February 2011

Idea Evolution

Hey followers, hope you are all well.

I was just here, minding my own business script writing when I had a small development. As you probably know I've been having massive trouble with creating all of these 'innuendo' type things to go at the end of my animation, e.g. burger sauce for blood, t-bone steaks carved from the monster etcetcetc. However I haven't ever really liked this, but I needed something to throw out there, and here is the second development of that idea:

There will be no big innuendo. Instead, it will be a group of male warriors, sat around a campfire sharing stories of there 'coming of age' which in this village, is slaying a big monster. So they go around, and it comes to a set of warriors who are stars of a well known tale, which the men want to hear again. The warriors tell their story, searching the lands (same as the old idea) until they return home, empty handed (but the audience will know they have been to this big town and hired a guy to be in a suit and fight them) when all of a sudden the town is attacked by a monster! So the three valiant warriors take up their swords and slay the beast, saving the village, becoming men.

I think this may be slightly better in terms of a well structured narrative, it will keep the idea of a V.O. telling the story, and the idea that the find some kind of town, but the innuendos are scrapped, and becomes slightly more tongue and cheek, will a nice little exciting/funny battle at the end.

In other news I saw a really nice 3D animation about a Viking trying to make his way to Valhalla which put a smile on my face. Check it out! Much love X

The Saga Of Biorn from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Story Development/Story Boards/Story Theory?

Hello again at the end of week 5,

So this week I've been racking my brain (and friends) of what items I could include at the end of my animation, since this is really the big pun (why do I always make my animations ride on one big pun?) and the more I have the longer it will be, since length may also be an issue. As well as this I have begun to write a script as the entire piece will be voiced, though I do not know who by yet, maybe me with effects...

On top of this I did begin making story boards, then thought, how do you story board something which you don't even know the whole story yet? And so I stopped. However at least even if they get deleted they're a step in the right direction. As well as this I have begun to look into theory surrounding narrative structure and storytelling so that I am able to adapt these techniques to create a successful story for which to base my animation.

See I wasn't thinking of this film whilst conjuring my idea for this project, however it has been made aware to me that my animation rolls along the same tracks as this film: which I mean, its a pretty good watch, not great though. Even so if you have seen it or have just spoiled the big twist for yourself you can see the similarities.

My reading week is the following week (week 6) and my aim is to have:
-A finished script.
-Story boards (not necessarily finished)
-More of an idea of how this will all look, so some concept art etc
-A good idea of who is going to be voicing the piece, possibly even recorded but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm also looking into lip syncing in after effects, but I know already how painfully horrible its going to be to do. I imagine it will look similar to how South Park does their lip syncing, but we shall see. Maybe a tester soon? Who knows, in the mean time, take care. X

Monday 21 February 2011

Go Ahead.

Hello lovely people.

So today I got the go ahead, and had a slight development on the way, in which the story plays out.
Firstly check out the clean coloured version of what the characters will look like;

So story changes: The animations will begin around a campfire, with the children asking to hear of the great hunt in which 3 of the village warriors went out to save the starving village. As the warriors tell the tale, the real story is shown (in the sky, clouds, thought bubbles) the tale matches up to the pictures until they reach the beast lair, as really they ended up in some kick ass town with lights cars money food etc etc. So as they tell them how the killed this beast and what they got out of it, the reality is up behind them for the audience to see.

I think it would have more legs this way, but I'm still not sure how the whole thing will pan out. Let me know what you think. On top of that story boards, theory and other shiz will be up on here soon I think, more for my course a I need to show a little more progression I think. Either way stay here for more updates as usual, thanks for following and take care. X

P.S. Heres a little something for you;

New Blog?

Hey guys, if you have found this it is good, change to follow this blog if you are still following my old one, that way you cant get all of my juicy and entertaining thoughts on your live feeds!

I will be moving the old posts for my semester B idea into here but for the time being if you are wondering what it is I am doing then check out my old blog at and you shall find it. Till the next check in, take care. Much Love X