Monday 9 May 2011

Its Finished

So here it is guys, its been submitted and everything and now my degree is over, which is all good. It took me several attempts to get it up on the tube but none the less, here it is. Bish.

Big thanks to Paul Smith for helping me make stupid voices, and thanks to my friends and family for your support over these last three years. You got me through it.

Monday 2 May 2011


Is my dead line, but things are looking good. I think by the end of today I will have about 1 min of it finished. One big revelation has been to scrap all mouths. Thats right, no mouths. To compensate for whilst they are talking, their bodies will move, and possibly head nodding, but they will not have mouths. This is not a cop-out for less work, it is however a decision I have been pondering for some time. I just don't think they need them, they look nice as it is and it is a stylization that I like. Plus I don't have the relevant skill set for it, so why do it poorly? Tutors do not think ill of my decision, if it was a cop-out I would be honest.

Back to my work flow, heres something that I cooked up, its not finished and has no sound but its one of my favorite parts, plus it looks great.

I have done some other bits and bobs and am looking forward to putting this bad boy up on the tube in its entirety. Hope your well, more screens to come later. Muchos love X


Just so this goes down on my record, to add to the list of shit that has happened on this project, I now have a killer migraine which came on last night, and now is completely fucking me over. I'd love to lie down in the dark, but instead I've got to look at this light box.
In other news, with 90% of the titles in there looking sexy, and initial shot pretty much done and a few other bits and bobs (sort of 4 second shots) done, along with near finished parts, I think I'm looking at around 30-40 seconds doneish now. I mean, its not great, but it could be worse. I'll have an update with how I've progressed y the end of the day, the way I'm feeling right now it might just be pictures of barf, but it may be work. Chat soon X

Sunday 1 May 2011

Lincoln Bound.

I don't mean that in a traveling way, more of a bondage way. Either way my workstation was set up and being used before I even begun to unpack, I think I'll be living out of Pepsi cans and suitcases this week. So, I am indeed back and since this time I have produced my establishing shot (minus a few people) which you can see in stills here.

 As always click them to enlarge, to put it into a little more perspective for you, the mountains are a layer, then there are three town layers, meaning when the camera pans down you can see the depth simulation between the layers. Also a little fire in there. Particles, boo-ya. I do need to put some people in there, but I'm not doing it just yet, since if there weren't people, I could get away with it. I'll will 100% come back to it if I have time.

Next I went through making titles for all of the text sections, these look pretty sexy me thinks, they are also animated to move slightly closer to the audience over time, so it should look nice and cool. Click to enlarge, but it shouldn't make much of a difference.

So yeah, here I am, ploughing through. Hope to have a finished product up here soon enough. Give me a week and we'll see how well that goes. Catch you soon.

Also this is made by one of my fellow students here at Lincoln University, and he has made a small animation based on my ideas. Here is my Epic Exit. Cheers buddy!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Further Work Needed

So there it is as promised, I am aware that a little work is still needed here, such as the floor becoming opaque, and the mothers arm which has a keyframe largely out of place. Aside from this I am pretty happy with how its looking, it defiantly is going how I wanted it to. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think, facebook or here. SAFE.

Royalty Is Win.

There is my opinion of the douches who held parties against the promotion of royalty. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the festivities of the royal wedding, wasn't it grand. TO be fair though the grandeur of it all does get taken away slightly when watching it fleetingly whilst animating. This is correct I have continues the animation section of this project and hope to soon have another 8secondish clip for you to see with a little more animation in it, rather than pretty much stills. It looks pretty fucking sick though. Took me ages to get the walking animation just right mind, I started with a lot of rotation and little movement. It looked terriable. Then I decided rotation was wrong and tried simply moving the legs vertically and wow does it look better. Bish. I also had problems with fire, but after raping a few tutorials and applying my own take on them (which basically mean I didn't use them) I got some nice looking flames, that look pretty realistic, but with enough flare and colour to make them suit the cartoony aspect.

In terms of my work place I am moving again tomorrow, back to Lincoln town where I will have a stationary work station until the end of my university days. Holy shit balls I'm done in a week. That is scary. But My time scales of things will be thrown out since I will being all nighters, and have a lot of RnD to do with my group aside from this animation (which is a long way away from being done...). Anyway, no link in this post but hopefully a follow up post with the link soon. Muchos Love X.

Thursday 28 April 2011


A necessity in this world and especially at this time on my course. I have for you a small snippet, from the bar scene, with the animatic's sound and the animatic playing in the corner nice and small so you can really see how I'm going. That animation is very simple right now, still no mouths, and not really much movement. Its kind of the animatic, but pretty. Anyway here you go.

Mmmm.... tasty....

Sea Sick Me.

What up home slices. So I'm back with some work done, however I have either gotten sea sick from canals (unlikely) or have come down with illness. Which ever way you look at it, I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach. Still i am ploughing through this project, getting increasingly worried about the looming deadline, in fact this fear has caused me to stop making photoshop files and throw what I have into after effects. Not that I'll leave those parts out, I just want to make a start on the animation.

Since you last heard from me, heres what has been made:

Click them to enlarge, I also made the two views needed of the monsters head that is thrown down in the bar, see my animatic for this. in fact, here it is again. 

So there that is, and also if you go to about.... 17, here is what that scene actually looks like. (Click to enlarge?)

I think from seeing that comparison, its obvious that this is going to look very pretty, however it still needs to be made. Either way, there is the promised update, hope you are all well, I shall update again soon.

Hannah <3 X

Monday 25 April 2011

Slow Posts

Hey peeps, so for today you can feast your eyes on another extra to be in the animation. As you can probably see he isn't all that dissimilar to the other extra, but thats kind of the point. Obviously their faces and clothes are different, and tashes....and beards. Anyway I'm going to colour them both in again differently, giving me 4 extras rather than 2, but I only have to draw them once. Boo-yah. Then this will probably be the last post I do till wednesday/thursday time because I will be moving me work station to a boat where I do not have internet access. But, on wednesday/thursday there will be a nice big juicy post with everything I have been doing in it. So, here is my extra, and I will speak to you soon. Stay safe. X.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Follow Up For The Day.

So as I said earlier, I have finished the basic outline for all of the large extras, and now I also have finished, the front and back view of one of the extras, in one of his colour schemes. As always, click it to enlarge it.

As you can see from making the basic outline, it becomes very easy for me to copy it, and then add in originality to each character before colouring them to look nice and pretty. This is just some other dude who will be rocking a handlebar tash, because lets face facts, aside from being iconic for gays, the handlebar is possibly the coolest form of facial hair man kind has grown. I love handlebars. So yeah, moving on, Tim Minchin is a brilliant smart performer and I have just been shown a really brilliant clever animation to go with one of his beat poems. Enjoy X.

Happy Easter!

Happy borderline pointless holiday everyone! For me, zombie jesus has given me these two extra weeks to finish my project and for that I thank the author. I did have yesterday off to give myself a small break, however I am back at the grind stone once again, and so far this morning I have the basic outline for all of the larger people done, as well as the other man in the bar, finished. The other man in the bar being the one who the hero asks how to get a beard, despite not having a line in the animatic, he does in the trailer. I really feel like I'm rambling here, huh. Anyway, here he is:

Now the first thing I think you'll notice here is, he doesn't have any legs, however this is simply due to the fact that he will be sat down, so there is no need for legs. Next is no eyes, and his colours are quite drab. Reason for this is kind of a homage to my original concept and I wanted him to be relatively mysterious, and the colours are really just to go with the fact that he's kinda old, so he's a little faded. Next on my agenda today is to get started on the extras, which will be the large figures, each will have 2 colour schemes, and a front and back view. They'll be used simply to clutter up scenes really. Either way, hope you like this dude and have a good easter. Work hard, eat lots. Job done. BIZZLE. X.

Friday 22 April 2011

A Good Day.

Today has gone very very well for myself. Not only did I start the day with some new music, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and My Chemical Romance's new album, but I have managed to start and finish both of the two characters who will accompany the hero throughout the trailer. Here they are. (Click to enlarge).

I'm really quite pleased with them both, not only because they look good but also how fast and well I was able to work. I totally give it all to the music! So not only have these characters been finished but here is a cool shot of the party together all armored up!

Awesome right!? Two things I would like to cover though are that their eyes may look a little scary there, but once their moving, have eyebrows moving and a mouth, they'll suit. Which leads me to my second point, despite the fat that none of them have a mouth, I am going to make one large mouth package with will have numerous mouthes for all to use. So there I am, done and happy, I think I'm going to finish my day by making some rough sketches of things but until next time, stay safe peeps.

I saw this the other day, its a must watch!

Thursday 21 April 2011

We Have A Hero!

Today my work has revolved entirely around my hero's completion. So as you saw yesterday I had a rough image of him, but also the outline which I would use for himself and all of the other little characters. I still needed to complete his individual outline however, and then colour him in, as well as a back view. It did take a while, but I only really have characters to do now, so its going to be a slow start until I get into the habit of making characters (I have a technique, but I'm just a little rusty at the moment). So without further delay, here he is, front and back.

I am aware that he doesn't have a mouth, and you should be aware that to go with his little sheath (as seen above) he also has a sword, and matching shield and helmets in royal green. (I think I just made that colour up...) just had a quick google, I don't think I did, but couldn't get a good link. So anyway, my hero is about...98% complete, and tomorrow I will be moving on to other characters, possibly the two partners who go on the adventure. So until then, good day, and enjoy sunny England!


Wednesday 20 April 2011


Three blogs in one day, aren't you lucky. So this is just to show you my days work progress (did that make sense) aside from the other work I have shown you. I sketched out rough shaped for generic big and small people in my animation, so that I could create generic clean outlines which I can then tweak individually for each character. The aim behind this is to save me some time, so I don't have to sketch out every single character, and half of the clean outlining has been done for me. I don't know how time saving this will prove, but its got to be at least 20 mins for each character, so thats fine by me. Anyway here you go;

So there is is for you, no more links for today, and I am going to enjoy a little sunshine. More posts tomorrow (maybe not three though!) so until then, good day.

PS Thanks for the positive feedback.

Mock Scene

As promised I have created a mock scene for my new concept of PS scenes. And only in.... what, half an  hour? Check it out, let me know what you think. Click it to make to good!

Thanks X


So I was thinking about my whole beard makes you big and manly thing, and when I put the two styles of people together, I thought they actually fit quite lovely together. Forgetting the fact that the little dude has a beard, do you think this looks right in the same animation, again, beard= big no beard=small.

Let me know what you think of that (FB or comment here). Next I have what I started yesterday and finished off today, just some miscellaneous (love that word!) stuff to clutter up my scenes when they look a little bare. Obviously they aren't very important, but I see the little things and the sellers, ie you can show a town and be like... hey thats a town, but if all of the little parts are in place you become much more like... hey this is a town with a large community that have needs to survive and maybe a brothel. You get the gist. 

So bear with the scaling issues, I merely did it so in AE I can zoom in to my hearts content without the layers getting pixelated. Also the random sploges on the fire logs are gong to be set to glow in AE, and if they don't look like good embers, they will be thrown away. 

Now normally with my work I will make all of my layers etc for a town, and then within after effects I will place them all accordingly  which if you know my work you will have seen in Wepwawet, where I built a 2.5D town of over 100 buildings (don't ask about the render time) and also in my latest animation HUTCH, in which I had a 2D town spaced out in 3D space to simulate depth. However I would like to test out a different technique for this animation. Although it is a little later for testing, I think that this test could potentially save me a large volume of time. I will take my 2D assets such as my buildings, the mountain background and the trees, and placing them together in a PS file, to make a scene. If this looks good I will not forget about depth and will merge layers which in (fake) 3D space to create flat fore, mid and backgrounds, which will then be spaced and focused correctly in AE. 
I'm confident I can get some brilliant results from this, however, you don't know until you try right? So my missions for today (now that the miscellaneous things are out of the way) will be to have a sketch out of the people (feedback is much appreciated!) and also have a stab at making these nice backgrounds. I will have you an update by this evening.

Thanks for all of your feedback, again its much appreciated and thanks for following X

PS Your treat for following:
THERES MORE!? **warning this game gets highly addictive, I've only finished it once but played about 100.**

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Thats for all of those Gears Of War Fans Out there, so anyway, day...4? of the grind now, things are going okay but I keep having flashes of fear thinking, am I spending too much time on this file....I mean its only going to be in the animation for a second. And each time I have to go, well, all of the files will only be up for a second, its a trailer! So I make the choice, work my ass off and possibly not finish it because I'm making every file look delicious OR I make all of the files so so but get a full trailer guaranteed. If anyone knows me, they will know that I will not even bother making something so so. Its beaut or note.

So today I have make the background for my bar, the shelves of which I will be stealing for the hero's room (as seen in the animatic). I did cut a small corner here as I was going to fill the shelves with bottles, however decided that things like that just had to be cut, as they will really slow me down. So below you will see a compilation of my last few posts, simply so you can see everything side by side. Also in there is the new bar, and as always click on them to get them nice and big.

No idea how they got arranged like spot has strange systems. With them all there together it does make me pretty happy, a few characters should be emerging soon to populate the trailer, as well as a few compositions made from say, the mountains and trees, to give a nicer feel of a background and or environment. I feel like I'm rambling so I will love and leave, and I shall leave you with this:

Monday 18 April 2011

Ps Death.

I always get to this point, a fair chunk into my work and I begin to remember how much I hate photoshop. I just can't stand it as a program. Its so dull. After effects I love I get to make shiz move and stuff, but photoshop is so plain. Anyway, today I finished off that last tree in the previous post, and now I have a quite lovely little cave (which your should be able to see where it will go in the animation after the animatic!) which again, Flickr gave me two little images which I'll pop below, and from these I got a rough sketch out and made the below beauty.

cave into a mountain
Gough's Cave

My Work:

As always click on the image to see it nice and big, and also note that the very from right rock formation is separate, as is the floor, the arch and the background. This is so in after effects the I can make the scene have a little more depth by moving them around slightly, as well as adjusting the depth of field.

So yeah, I'm starting to feel the burden of my work, major, but I will power through. In the mean time, sit tight, work hard and enjoy yourself more than I am. X


Such a cool word. So I'm on day three of my grind now, and I have successfully bished out some lovely foliage to clutter up my scenes. I created 2 trees and 1 shrub (though it is the same size as the trees in photoshop) and each has two different colour schemes, on of the trees is pretty bright but, I kinda like it and will have it in the animation anyway so, here they are.

My journey to make these took a similar route as the houses, a quick trip to Flickr and some rough sketches. I think their pretty good, and will suit the style nicely, also the volume of variation I have produced will avoid from the audience noticing that all the trees are... pretty much the same...

I hope some of you downloaded or simply played Aether  because that game really is great, in the mean time hopefully this will suffice your want for odd things. Click here for oddity.

Saturday 16 April 2011

The First Grind.

Today I woke up and began the first grinding session, AKA music blaring out and solid work for hours upon end. I think it has gone pretty good to be honest, my aim as to design and complete the house models for Quick Jaw (you should all know what this is by now! *Don LaFontaine VO* "In the quiet town of Quick Jaw") .

The day began with a quick search around on Flickr for viking type buildings which I could draw from and I found these:

Viking houseDetail of the reconstructed chieftains house
Me & Xena & longhouse
**All rights belong to the original Flickr up loaders**

Flickr provided some great inspiration and I got strait onto drawing from these influences to produce the basic house in two rough angles. Once I had these it was time to clean it all up and get a really smooth outline for which I was then able to fill in with two different colour schemes for greater variation in the town. Next was the final step, adding a little depth. Sure I had drawn them both with a perspective in mind, however a little shading and a few highlights just gave it that little bit of an extra flare. Check it out. (For some reason the simple colour 'brown/red version' keeps getting rejected by the server, but I'm sure you get the picture)


No idea how it spaced them out like that but sure. Click on them and they should enlarge for you and be all awesome and stuff. So there is some nice clear progression for the day, I may go eat and stand up for a while so my legs don't just drop off. I shall leave you with something below, also let me know what you think of the hyper links idea, I thought it gave off a little bit more of a professional vibe, thats just me though. Comments here or on the FaceBook link.

Grab yourself the free download so you can play from your PC, its a really nice little game with no obvious goal, but its quite relaxing just to sit and play. Enjoy X

Friday 15 April 2011

Home Time

So I'm back in my home town for the two week easter period, in which I will have to practically begin and end the production of my trailer/final 3rd year final final project. Scary stuff. As you have seen I do have a soundtrack to work from despite some needed re-recording, as well as a mountain range. I have now completed the 'head' that you have seen in previous posts so I'll throw him up underneath along with a brilliant video I was show in the digi presentations. So thats it really, my base of operations is now set up and I have these two weeks to create a finished product. Its 100% doable but it will be an uphill battle. Keep checking back here for random crap I will post up to keep my sanity, and get listening to some tunes whilst we work. To all the 3rd year students making that final push with me, lets do this shit. X

PS did I mention that my tutors and group loved the crappy voices?! The one thing I was dreading was one of their most liked parts!!??! What is up with that? So yeah, they like my visuals and the animatic went down a treat so I have that much needed boost to keep me going. Take care peeps! X

Tuesday 12 April 2011


For you if you use me in your presentation. Love Noah x
Cheers me, so I've made a few visual things to go with my crappy soundtrack so that, well I've done more work really, duh. But I think the soundtrack isn't really that great, I mean, its useable and works but the visuals are really going to have to carry it because on its own its a piece of sh*t. And its not actually finished yet, but you can get a very good idea of what it's going to contain.

Here are the photoshop files I have made so far:

This will be used for backgrounds, possibly behind the village. And/or it will be use for a sort of scenic shot. The Back mountain and then front wall are separate, meaning i can show depth through it.

This is a rough idea of what I wanted one of the 'men' to look like in the trailer, as you can see in comparison to my older drawings he is much larger and very macho, you can also note that he has a beard, and aside from facial hair I wanted the men to look much more fearsome etc, so my main characters will look nice and puny next to them. Also here is my progress on this dude.

Next up is the very cringe worthy sound track with animatic. I hope you don't shoot yourself whilst listening. It isn't finished yet which is clear, but it has given alot of decent keys for animation as well as generally progressing this project in terms of restructuring etc.

I'm sorry. X

Sunday 10 April 2011

Continued Production

My monday presentation was moved the other day to wednesday, which has obvious benefits. It does feel like my brain is giving me less drive to work however, but I am fighting to keep going. With all of the shortening going on of my trailer I am working to make it look as good as it can, as well as thinking of extra things I could do if it become necessary. The sound track is structurally coming along very nicely with the side by side production of this rough, i guess animatic you could call it, but it is simply meant to be a visual aid for when I present my finished sound track. Some of the voices I have recorded are really cool, very viking sounding. So yeah, just a quick update on my progress, and hope to put up the animatic maybe soon? Providing I don't just quick time play it in the presentation. Sweet, take care peeps X

Thursday 7 April 2011

Is There Such A Thing As Too Short?

So I've made a ton of rough visuals for the presentation on monday, and whilst im putting them together, although some of them will have more going on in the (since there currently just stills) alot of the shots are awkwardly long, and really its just unecesary, so I may cut it down to like, 2 mins, and see how that effects it, but I thing the only thing this will do is strengthen it. Plus if my tutors say it is to short, whats wrong with making a 30 second viral trailer or something? We shall see in time. Also, this blog was partially just so I could post this video which is all I am listening to over and over. It, is, GOLD.

2:00 later..... yeah okay so alot shorter, I'm going to have to make an extra ad here, there is no way in hell my tutors will think this is enough work. Boolahx.

Rolling Rolling Rolling WHAAT?!

What up peeps, as you know I've been working on my sound for the last few days and some of it is really going well. I have the voice over type guy finished and it is gooood. Then I'm having a laugh making my voice sound like: a woman, Jack Black, Will Smith (or at least a 'wooo!' from him) and random other male characters. You'd think I was using some awesome software, but no, I just do good things in Garage Band. Yep. I mean come on I did CGI in Windows Movie Maker by using MS Paint over video, I'm just good at that kinda crap. So yeah, I'd say I was roughly en-route to meet the monday preview of my sound track, and so far I'm pretty pleased. See you soons X

ps I also think it might end up being 2 mins, not 2:30 mins, simply due to not needing that long, dont want filler crap right?

I'm sorry but this is also hilarious. Must watch.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Fun Times.

I'm currently having a right laugh whilst testing out voice recordings for my trailer. Obviously getting voice actors in would be far too late a move, and to be fair, I think I'm handy enough in crappy free software to produce great sounds anyway. I currently have a Don LaFontaine-escque voice going down and it sounds great, bar a few computery sounding vowels. Even so, my plan is if I cant get photoshop files ready for the presentation on monday, it would be awesome to have the sound track finished, or near finished, and I'm off to a good start. With the time line sorted in a fairly strict manner, and a sound track nailed I think the animation would be pretty easy to get working, its just the photoshop part I hate. Its my bead really because I'm such a perfectionist, but I spend way too much time in photoshop, and I hate it as it is! Anyway back on track, my current plan for the presentation is defiantly get this sound track to a nice clean, VERY nearly finished state. Then they can listen to it and become excited, and maybe to aid this I'll sketch out a couple of crappy little things so they vaguely can see what will be happening visually.

Yup, so thats that, keep checking here as the dissertation was handed in today which means all my time is going into this bad boy, so expect some sharp evolution to be going down. In the mean time, lets get back to posting some excellent videos up for you lovely people. SAFE X.

Maybe not amazing, but I gotta post up my teams success, proud to be a panther.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

A Decent Running Order.

Hello again, I have been hard at work and have got a nice running order of how exactly my animation is going to go, this includes some sound and fullscreen graphics e.t.c. So without further delay, here it is:

0:00-0:02  two made up production companies will quickly fade in and out, the sound track will commence here with a large thud.

0:03-0:30  an establishing shot of the village in the day time (maybe with some background noise from it) followed by 1 or 2 closer shots of the town,  including men with beards. V.O 'in the quiet town of Quick Jaw' close up of the main character as he is called by his mother, a shot of her and the two other characters who have their names mentioned by greeting. 

0:31-1:00  V.O 'facial hair isn't all that simple' the characters ask about beards in a bar, 1 or 2 close ups of bearded men in there, one of the men says 'you have to go hunting' a man throws a head of a monster onto the bar, he has a beard, 'your beard is the reward'

1:01-1:10  V.O (and full screen graphic) 'this movember' the characters walk over to their equipment, the mother asks 'be careful out there' 

1:11-1:15  V.O (and full screen graphic) 'suit up' close up quick fades of the characters putting on helmets, shields, tying boots.

1:15-1:30  V.O (and full screen graphic) 'for the adventure of a life time' the sound track becomes silent, more atmospheric. the characters leave the village, mother says 'goodbye' the characters enter a cave weapons drawn, slowly creeping, waiting. A Skeleton falls from the roof, a character say 'oh come on!'

1:31-1:50 characters V.O 'I want this kill! I want my beard!' the sound track here has picked up and is epic, quick cuts of the journey and the beasts skeletons, 1:40 an actors name is flashed up, close up of the characters 'everything has been killed already cant you see!?' another actors name is flashed up

1:51-2:00 heart beating action with no sound, quick fade transitions and a slow motion shot of the final monster roaring. Full screen graphic of the title V.O 'a beards tale'

2:01-2:15  Close up of the characters on the adventure, one is making a beard related pun.

2:15-2:30  fullscreen title with all of the details, a V.O note about movember, maybe free entry with every beard?

So there it is, I reckon this is a really good frame work, and you can sort of imagine it in your head whilst you read which is always a good sign. I will no begin the drawing of rough story boards. See you soon X.

Monday 4 April 2011

Posting from the grave.

Hey guys, little work has been done over the last few weeks as i have been working hard on my dissertation, which is finished now (bar binding and handing in) so that pretty sweet, think I did some good work so.
The work I have been doing every now and then when I get a spare moment from life is research into what makes a good trailer, or just generally the structure which most trailers follow. I looked at around 5 or so and found the structure to be pretty obvious. Heres what I took from it.

Trailers are split into 5 sections;
1/5- Contains information surrounding the setting, and an introduction to the main characters and the current affairs in the world.
2/5- Outline all current issues in terms of the characters and their goals.
3/5- There should be a large amount of suspense, or a slowing down of the trailer here, possibly outlining a change within the film.
4/5- This should be action packed with a lot of quick cutting and any extra information needed by the audience.
5/5- The climax of the action and a possible insight to the ending (not the ending of the narrative, simply the pinnacle point e.g the 'boss')

So yeah, thats what I took from looking at 2min-2:30min trailers, and I think its pretty spot on. I have a rough outline of how my narrative will fit into this schema, but I'm sure you can imagine for now how it would do so. Even so my current thoughts are to make the trailer light hearted, but not quite funny as I wont be able to pull it off, and there is nothing more awkward than watching something trying to be funny.
See ya soons babs. X

Thursday 3 March 2011




Quick inspiration post.

Hey guys, just a quick post whilst I get bored of writing up a script and story boards. What I have below is a nice list of images taken from works that have inspired me during this project;

Incase you don't recognize all of them they are: How To Train Your Dragon, The Saga Of Biorn, Morrowind (The Bloodmoon Expansion) and The Lord Of The Rings.

If you would like to watch The Saga Of Biorn its a great animation and is in one of my previous blog posts. Enjoy!