Saturday 16 April 2011

The First Grind.

Today I woke up and began the first grinding session, AKA music blaring out and solid work for hours upon end. I think it has gone pretty good to be honest, my aim as to design and complete the house models for Quick Jaw (you should all know what this is by now! *Don LaFontaine VO* "In the quiet town of Quick Jaw") .

The day began with a quick search around on Flickr for viking type buildings which I could draw from and I found these:

Viking houseDetail of the reconstructed chieftains house
Me & Xena & longhouse
**All rights belong to the original Flickr up loaders**

Flickr provided some great inspiration and I got strait onto drawing from these influences to produce the basic house in two rough angles. Once I had these it was time to clean it all up and get a really smooth outline for which I was then able to fill in with two different colour schemes for greater variation in the town. Next was the final step, adding a little depth. Sure I had drawn them both with a perspective in mind, however a little shading and a few highlights just gave it that little bit of an extra flare. Check it out. (For some reason the simple colour 'brown/red version' keeps getting rejected by the server, but I'm sure you get the picture)


No idea how it spaced them out like that but sure. Click on them and they should enlarge for you and be all awesome and stuff. So there is some nice clear progression for the day, I may go eat and stand up for a while so my legs don't just drop off. I shall leave you with something below, also let me know what you think of the hyper links idea, I thought it gave off a little bit more of a professional vibe, thats just me though. Comments here or on the FaceBook link.

Grab yourself the free download so you can play from your PC, its a really nice little game with no obvious goal, but its quite relaxing just to sit and play. Enjoy X

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