Wednesday 20 April 2011


So I was thinking about my whole beard makes you big and manly thing, and when I put the two styles of people together, I thought they actually fit quite lovely together. Forgetting the fact that the little dude has a beard, do you think this looks right in the same animation, again, beard= big no beard=small.

Let me know what you think of that (FB or comment here). Next I have what I started yesterday and finished off today, just some miscellaneous (love that word!) stuff to clutter up my scenes when they look a little bare. Obviously they aren't very important, but I see the little things and the sellers, ie you can show a town and be like... hey thats a town, but if all of the little parts are in place you become much more like... hey this is a town with a large community that have needs to survive and maybe a brothel. You get the gist. 

So bear with the scaling issues, I merely did it so in AE I can zoom in to my hearts content without the layers getting pixelated. Also the random sploges on the fire logs are gong to be set to glow in AE, and if they don't look like good embers, they will be thrown away. 

Now normally with my work I will make all of my layers etc for a town, and then within after effects I will place them all accordingly  which if you know my work you will have seen in Wepwawet, where I built a 2.5D town of over 100 buildings (don't ask about the render time) and also in my latest animation HUTCH, in which I had a 2D town spaced out in 3D space to simulate depth. However I would like to test out a different technique for this animation. Although it is a little later for testing, I think that this test could potentially save me a large volume of time. I will take my 2D assets such as my buildings, the mountain background and the trees, and placing them together in a PS file, to make a scene. If this looks good I will not forget about depth and will merge layers which in (fake) 3D space to create flat fore, mid and backgrounds, which will then be spaced and focused correctly in AE. 
I'm confident I can get some brilliant results from this, however, you don't know until you try right? So my missions for today (now that the miscellaneous things are out of the way) will be to have a sketch out of the people (feedback is much appreciated!) and also have a stab at making these nice backgrounds. I will have you an update by this evening.

Thanks for all of your feedback, again its much appreciated and thanks for following X

PS Your treat for following:
THERES MORE!? **warning this game gets highly addictive, I've only finished it once but played about 100.**

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