Saturday, 30 April 2011

Royalty Is Win.

There is my opinion of the douches who held parties against the promotion of royalty. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the festivities of the royal wedding, wasn't it grand. TO be fair though the grandeur of it all does get taken away slightly when watching it fleetingly whilst animating. This is correct I have continues the animation section of this project and hope to soon have another 8secondish clip for you to see with a little more animation in it, rather than pretty much stills. It looks pretty fucking sick though. Took me ages to get the walking animation just right mind, I started with a lot of rotation and little movement. It looked terriable. Then I decided rotation was wrong and tried simply moving the legs vertically and wow does it look better. Bish. I also had problems with fire, but after raping a few tutorials and applying my own take on them (which basically mean I didn't use them) I got some nice looking flames, that look pretty realistic, but with enough flare and colour to make them suit the cartoony aspect.

In terms of my work place I am moving again tomorrow, back to Lincoln town where I will have a stationary work station until the end of my university days. Holy shit balls I'm done in a week. That is scary. But My time scales of things will be thrown out since I will being all nighters, and have a lot of RnD to do with my group aside from this animation (which is a long way away from being done...). Anyway, no link in this post but hopefully a follow up post with the link soon. Muchos Love X.

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