Sunday 10 April 2011

Continued Production

My monday presentation was moved the other day to wednesday, which has obvious benefits. It does feel like my brain is giving me less drive to work however, but I am fighting to keep going. With all of the shortening going on of my trailer I am working to make it look as good as it can, as well as thinking of extra things I could do if it become necessary. The sound track is structurally coming along very nicely with the side by side production of this rough, i guess animatic you could call it, but it is simply meant to be a visual aid for when I present my finished sound track. Some of the voices I have recorded are really cool, very viking sounding. So yeah, just a quick update on my progress, and hope to put up the animatic maybe soon? Providing I don't just quick time play it in the presentation. Sweet, take care peeps X

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